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CSEE faculty Gaur and Raff organize 2024 KDD KIL workshop

Part of the ACM Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

CSEE assistant professor Manas Gaur and CSEE adjunct professor Ed Raff are two of the organizers of the Fourth Workshop on Knowledge-Infused Learning, which will be held in conjunction with the ACM KDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining in Barcelona in August 2024.

Knowledge-infused learning (KIL) is a class of AI techniques that enhance machine learning models by integrating structured external knowledge, such as facts, rules, and relationships from various sources. The method aims to improve a model's ability to understand complex concepts, generalize from limited data, and provide interpretable decisions. By combining the pattern recognition capabilities of traditional data-driven models and large language models (LLMs) with the reasoning power of knowledge-based systems, KiL seeks to create more robust, capable, and understandable AI systems, with applications including natural language processing, robotics, and healthcare applications.

The theme of of the 2024 KIL workshop is on developing and using metrics, methods, and datasets for consistent, reliable, explainable and safe LLMs.

Professor Gaur was also an organizer of the three previous KIL workshops, held at KDD in 2023, the knowledge Graph conference in 2021, and at KDD 2020.

Posted: March 24, 2024, 6:30 PM