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Talk: From Social Media Mining to Generative AI: Asking and Solving Challenging Problems

Huan Liu, ASU, 12-1pm ET Wed. Feb 5, ITE 459 & online

UMBC Distinguished Speaker

From Social Media Mining to Generative AI: Asking and Solving Challenging Problems

Huan Liu, Arizona State University

Wednesday, Feb. 5, 12-1pm EST, ITE 459, UMBC & online

In this talk, we will present emerging opportunities in AI and Big Data, through the lens of social media. Generative AI, in particular, Large Language Models (LLMs), has added new challenges. We use examples to illustrate (1) fundamental problems associated with multi-modal data like social media, challenging common practice and existential understanding in machine learning and data mining, (2) how we embrace the power of LLMs to solve perplexing problems, and (3) developing novel algorithms for responsible LLMs. Seeking interdisciplinary collaborations, we contemplate the promising future of data science and data mining in the rapid development of AI.

Dr. Huan Liu is a Regents Professor and Ira A. Fulton professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Arizona State University. He is the recipient of the ACM SIGKDD 2022 Innovation Award for his outstanding contributions to the foundation, principles, and applications of social media mining and feature selection for data Mining. He co-authored the textbook, Social Media Mining: An Introduction, by Cambridge University Press. He is Editor in Chief of ACM TIST, Founding Field Chief Editor of Frontiers in Big Data, its Specialty Chief Editor of Data Mining and Management, and a founding organizer of the International Conference Series on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, and Prediction. He is a Fellow of ACM, AAAI, AAAS, and IEEE.

UMBC Center for AI

Posted: February 3, 2025, 1:18 PM