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AI, Privacy, & Ethics Symposium: Tim Finin 12-1pm 4/1 WebEx

After 75 Years of AI, Can Machines Think?

Mathematician Alan Turing proposed a simple test to answer the question 'Can machines think?' nearly 75 years ago. Today, the surprising abilities of generative AI systems like ChatGPT make many wonder if we can finally respond positively. Professor Finin will briefly cover AI's history leading up to the recent development of systems using neural networks and large language models like ChatGPT and what to expect in the next few years. He'll touch on what current systems can and cannot do, the ways they can fail (e.g., hallucinations), the larger risks they may enable (e.g., spreading disinformation), and the societal changes they might induce (e.g., changing copyright and education practices). Dr. Finin will finish by outlining the prospects for the good things they will enable and how AI researchers hope to achieve them.

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The UMBC AOK library symposium series on AI, Privacy and Ethics takes place online from 12-1 pm ET each Monday in April, 2024.
  • April 1: "After 75 Years of AI, Can Machines Think?", Tim Finin
  • April 8: "The Librarian is In: Q&A with Ray Pun on All Things AI"
  • April 15: "The GPT Dilemma: Navigating the Pros, Cons, and Impacts on Learning", Karen Chen.
  • April 22: "Looking Out for Your Data Privacy", Amy Swackhamer.  
  • April 29: "ChatGPT and AI in Research, Education, and the Classroom", Rachael Kang.  

Posted: March 31, 2024, 9:53 PM