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Professors Mallinson & Janeja on detecting audio deep fakes

Their approach combines people, linguistics, and technology

UMBC professors Christine Mallinson and Vandana Janeja have a new article on the Maryland Matters site for news about Maryland government and politics on Bringing people and technology together to combat the threat of deep fakesThey briefly describe how they are working with a team of students to develop better ways to detect audio deep fakes with the support of an NSF grant. 

Audio deep fakes involves using AI algorithms to generate or manipulate audio recordings so that they sound like a specific person speaking or singing, typically without their consent. It poses a serious problem because it can be used to create convincing fake content for fraud, misinformation, or harassment, undermining trust in communications and media.

Their approach to detecting these deep fakes takes into account human behavioral perspectives by encouraging collaborative research across sociolinguistics, human-centered analytics, and data science.

Posted: March 25, 2024, 10:15 PM