UMBC CARDS advancing robot communication and cooperation
When two robots are better than one
The UMBC Center for Real-time Distributed Sensing and Autonomy (CARDS) has been working to develop robotic devices that can interact with their environment and each other to plan and accomplish joint goals. The research is supported by the ArtIAMAS project, a cooperative agreement between of the Army Research Laboratory, the University of Maryland College Park, and UMBC.
This video shows a demonstration developed by Information Systems graduate student Pranahith Babu Yarra of two of the group's mobile spot robots cooperating on a common task. One robot detects a possible human presence inside the bunker and communicates this to a second robot, which joins the first one to help analyze the situation. The robots communicate with each other and servers to share data and coordinate their joint activities using the open-source Robot Operating System and Apache Kafka data communication software.
Watch the video on YouTube.
Posted: March 23, 2024, 6:25 PM