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Maryland governor signs executive order guiding AI use

Order creates an AI subcabinet to develop guardrail plans

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore (D) signed an executive order calling for the state to develop guardrails to protect residents from the risk of bias and discrimination as artificial intelligence becomes increasingly useful and common, though the order did not specify how the government intends to use AI in the future.

Moore's executive order establishes an AI subcabinet to ensure that state agencies follow a set of principles guiding the ethical and productive use of AI technologies. The subcabinet will also be tasked with identifying opportunities AI could offer to recruit or expand businesses, providing a needed jolt to the state's sluggish economy. Maryland officials on Monday additionally announced plans to modernize the state's digital infrastructure, expand access to online resources and combat cybersecurity threats.

Read more about this in a this Washington Post article: Maryland looks to harness AI for government use with executive order

Posted: January 9, 2024, 11:03 AM