
We use the UMBC group umbc-ai to share news about AI research, events, and opportunities at UMBC. UMBC faculty, staff, and students can join the group to receive email messages. Anyone can view past news on the group or on the AI.UMBC.EDU website. Below are short summaries of recent messages from the UMBC AI Center.

Showing items tagged learning. Show All

AI in Practice: 1st in Webinar Speaker Series, 12-1pm ET Wed. Sept. 11

2nd Wednesday each month this Fall starting September 11

Learn how generative AI can enhance teaching and learning in higher education in the free AI in Practice Webinar Series, a collaborative initiative of the University of Baltimore, JHU, and UMBC....

Posted: September 8, 2024, 6:06 PM

Prof. Lujie Karen Chen wins wins 5-year NSF Career award

Focus: undergraduate data science & data literacy education

UMBC Information Systems Professor Lujie Karen Chen recently won an NSF CAREER award that puts students at the center of learning analytics—not just as subjects who supply data, but also as the...

Posted: July 24, 2024, 11:37 AM

Prof. Tülay Adali recieves NSF award for fMRI research

CSEE professor Tülay Adali has received an NSF award for $400k to support her research on drawing inferences from large-scale,  multi-subject fMRI analysis datasets. In many disciplines today,...

Posted: August 7, 2023, 10:05 PM